Saturday, 21 February 2009

Photography ideas... a message from Maz

Hi Album Trackers! Pam has recently emailed those of you who have expressed an interest in joining in with the album track classes; a year in your life. You might like to take photographs of some of the following;

- your wardrobe
- your shoes
- tip your handbag on the floor and just take a photo of it
- jewellery
- take photos of things you do every day
- your make up
- your toiletries
- driving
- what do you eat for breakfast
- do you do exercise or do you take a dog for a walk
- do you use a computer, if you do take a photo
- take photographs of things you treasure (ie. a special ornament, a teddy, a piece of clothing)

- maybe take photos of things you do that other people might not know about you or your life
- take photos of things that really matter to you
- do you wear a uniform for work
- do you like to have a certain drink during the day (ie. glass of wine in the evening!)
- do you wear glasses or contact lenses
- do you wear slippers in the house, if you do take a photo of them...

Sometimes I take my camera around with me all day just to record the daily details- it's amazing what little snippets you can record just by having the camera with you all the time!
I think these little chunks of our daily lives will be priceless to look back on when we're older; for me, photography is not just about the high days and the holidays!

Try taking things from different angles- above, below, sideways... try snapping the detail- a label on a winebottle; your child's hands, dog's nose....

If you'd like more inspiration, you can see more on my blog Diving For Pearls. Follow this link or this link for ideas for photographing the every day.

If you'd like any help with ideas or tips on photography, please do get in touch- I'd love to hear from you!

Maz x

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

2009 - year of the Album Track!

As you may have already heard, we have decided to do something a little different this year. We have had some people say to us that they have lost some motivation, feel they are in a rut with their scrapbooking, or don't quite know how to get started, and meanwhile the photographs are piling up waiting to be scrapped, next to a mountain of scrap supplies- but many of us have the same problem-no mojo!
So to kick start some renewed enthusiam and creative spark, we are going to run an 'Album track'. This means that for 4 evenings throughout this year we will hold classes to quickly, simply and effectively get some pages done and dusted and ready to go in an album. By the end of the year, you will have an album of scrapbooked photos. What more could you ask!

The first session will be in March, then in May, July and October (these evenings might be subject to change). The idea is that hopefully everyone will complete the album on themselves and scrapbook your life as it is right now in 2009, so you have a statement of your life, what makes you tick, what makes you laugh, things you like to do, things you hate to do, who's important and what is important in your life. Although if you would like to complete the album for somebody else, that is absolutely fine, you might just have to make some minor adjustments with photos, and the prompts and ideas we will be giving out.

We plan for you to complete 5 layouts in each of the evenings - I can almost hear you groaning and saying no way - but trust us, 5 will be a doddle!!! By the end of the 4 classes you will have a complete album of 20 pages. You can then of course add to it yourself, if you want.

The classes won't cost anything at all, but you will have to provide your own materials. We are looking into the possibility of bulk buying some American Crafts D ring albums and different sized page protectors, and getting some discount because we are buying in a large quantity. If you are interested in having one of these albums, could you please go and talk to Alison Boalch at February's meeting as she will be ordering the albums, we can't give you a definite cost, but it will be around the £15-£20 mark (which will include the album and the different size page protectors).

Otherwise if you already have an album that is lying around empty and you would like to use it, that is absolutely fine, or alternatively you might like to source your own album.

You will also need to bring along with you to the first track class in March about 10 sheets of cardstock and some patterned paper. Don't stress out about the colours - in fact bring along the cardstock that you have had sitting around for ages - maybe all the odd colours. They don't necessarily have to match one another, but it might be a good idea if some of the patterned paper blended with some of the cardstock. You will only need a couple of sheets of pattered paper initially or bring some of your off cuts, they will work equally well.

If you have alphabet stamps at home, bring them along as we will be stamping on the cardstock (to be economical!!). The Club has some stamps for you to use. Also bring a few basic ink colours with you ie black and brown.

The classes will fall roughly into different categories, but some will blend from one class to the next.

These are:

1st Class
All the personal stuff - a photograph of yourself to start the album off (or with your family)
This could also include - taking a photograph of your wardrobe, your shoes, tip your handbag on the floor and just take a photo, jewellery, take photos of things you do every day - like make up, what you eat for breakfast, get someone to take a photo of you driving (but only if you can drive!!), do you take a dog for a walk each day, do you use a computer every day, take photographs of things you treasure, maybe take photographs of things other people might not know about you or your life.

2nd Class

Favourites which might include - perfume, make up, toiletries, films, music, places, food, drinks, shops, things in your home or anything else that is a favourite.

3rd Class

Family - close and extended, friends, important people in your life, car, special events that might be happening this year.

4th Class

Home - take photos of rooms in your house, food in your fridge, work, garden, special places you might have visit or visit on a regular basis, and most importantly a largish photo of yourself for the end of the album (perhaps a 6 x 8 or 8 x10).

These are only ideas and give you a rough framework in which to work and take relevant photos. Just take photographs of your everyday life, they don't have to be fantastic arty photos, just as long as they illustrate things that are important in your life. 6 x 4 photos will be absolutely fine (apart from the final photo). But obviously if you are going to complete a 6x6 album, you might need to reduce your photo size.

For the first class bring along as many photos as you want, we would recommend maybe around the 15 mark as some pages will have more than one photo on them.

SORRY to have gone on for so long .... but we were keen that you have the overview of this album track class, which will help you think about the photos and the pages you might want to include. Any questions please email me and I'll try and answer them.

I hope you come along and join in with these classes - it will be a real achievement at the end of the year, to have a complete album.

Maz will shortly be writing a post about some ideas and tips for taking great photographs and helping to make this album really special.

Keep watching- and lets know us if you have any queries, sugestions or general comments! We love to hear from you!