Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Programme for 2010

Hope you have had a lovely, happy Christmas.
We have made a few changes to the programme for the first half of 2010.
Louise has managed to secure 2 bookings with American teachers and we are very pleased to welcome Karen Burniston back in February and are excited to announce that a new teacher to our Club, Melodee Langworthy will be coming in June. You can check both of these teachers out on their blogs to get an idea of some of the fantastic work they do.
As both Karen and Melodee have fixed dates when they can come to Chepstow (at the end of February and the end of May), we have decided to move our monthly meetings to the last Wednesday of the month, just until the summer.
So our 2010 programme is as follows:
Wednesday January 27 - Free and easy night to finish off all the unfinished pieces of work - bring along the Rusty Pickle Christmas album to finish it off and possibly help to get the snowman to pop up!!! Will be free of charge, with a small payment towards room hire.
Saturday February 20 - Karen Burniston (probably a double page layout with a bit of a pop!!)
Wednesday March 24 - our own very, very talented Maz will be teaching (possibly a page layout). This isn't the last Wednesday of the month, but we moved forward a week to avoid Easter holidays.
Wednesday April 28 - again our own Club and Committee members, Ali Boalch and Susanne Price teaching a kit/layout, to be finalised.
Saturday May 29 - Melodee Langworthy from USA (to be decided what she will be teaching, but possibly a mini album).
Wednesday June 30 - mini album to be taught from within the Club.
We will then revert back to our normal pattern of meeting on the first Wednesday of the month.
Wednesday September 8 - to be confirmed.
Saturday October 2 or 9 - to be confirmed
Wednesday November 3 - a never ending page layout to be taught by our own Club member, Sarah Mills.
Wednesday December 1 - to be confirmed
If you have any queries, questions, please don't hesitate to email Louise or myself.
With best wishes for a very happy and peaceful New Year and lots of completed scrapping projects!
See you on Wednesday 27 January.